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IC SMOOTH has become the leading supplier of obsolete electronic components by providing a marketplace that connects OEMs, CMs, and franchise distributors to allocated, discontinued, hard to find, long lead time and obsolete components. Our web site was designed to make finding obsolete electronic components easy, and submitting a quote even easier. Just fill out our form once and the next time you need pricing all you have to do is provide a part number, a quantity, your target and how soon you need it. Simple is that.

When you partner with Us, you will receive good quality products, fast quotations, immediate delivery, and exceptional prices.

We supplying All Your Electronic Component Needs!

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M38510/00203SCX CDIP N/A 1245
M38510/00203SCA CDIP N/A 332
M38510/00203BCX CDIP N/A 225
M38510/00203BCB CDIP N/A 225
M38510/00203BCA CDIP N/A 893
M38510/00202SCX CDIP N/A 885
M38510/00202SCA CDIP N/A 154
M38510/00202BCX CDIP N/A 785
M38510/00202BCB CDIP N/A 985
M38510/00202BCA CDIP N/A 114
M38510/00201SCX CDIP N/A 132
M38510/00201SCA CDIP N/A 632
M38510/00201BCX CDIP N/A 124
M38510/00201BCB CDIP N/A 785
M38510/00201BCA CDIP N/A 115
M38510/00109SCX CDIP N/A 115
M38510/00109SCA CDIP N/A 221
M38510/00109BCX CDIP N/A 152
M38510/00109BCB CDIP N/A 555
M38510/00109BCA CDIP N/A 555
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